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Youth workers need…

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to create an enabling and trustful environment that is actively inclusive, empowering and socially engaging, creative and safe, fun and serious, playful and planned.

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If young people should want to engage and take responsibility there needs to be a vivid and inspiring environment filled with positive energy. An environment that is open for testing various activities and initiatives and where they feel comfortable in investing time and energy, knowing that it is the spirit, not the actual results, that count.


  • ”In order to facilitate these outcomes, youth work should create an enabling environment that is actively inclusive and socially engaging, creative and safe, fun and serious, playful and planned. It should be characterised by accessibility, openness and flexibility and at the same time promote dialogue between young people and the rest of society. It should focus on young people and create spaces for association and bridges to support transition to adulthood and autonomy.”
    Council of Europe, Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on youth work, 2017

Guiding questions

To what degree does our local youth work meet this bullet point?

Are there sides/aspects of it that are not reached?
Are there differences related to different activities?
Are there differences related to different groups of young people?
Are there differences related to different youth work providers?
Are there other differences? Related to what?

Specific questions
  • How do we do to secure a vivid atmosphere filled with positive energy?
    • How do we do to keep up the spirit if, for some reason, things are not going as expected?
    • How can we, as youth workers, act as positive role models when it comes to creativity and playfulness? (Without ‘taking over the scen’?)
  • Are we focusing too much on keeping plans and too little on playfulness, too much on eventual problems and too little on crazy possibilities ?
    • Do we think there is a conflict between being playful and planned, between being serious and having fun?


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Good practices & tools

  • Nuotta Coaching for Young people Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

Learn more

  • “Who’s Included?” A Local Organisation Embedding Inclusivity in Youth Mobility. The experience of Limerick Youth Service

Learn more 

  • Youth Centre Grabrik

Learn more 


Future steps

What different steps do we need to take in order to meet this bullet point?

Do we miss any knowledge that we need?
Do we need to take contact with stakeholders not present in our discussions?
Do we need to develop new competences, methods, work processes or organisational structures?
Can we find good practices or tools that might help us to improve this?
Do we have positive experiences from other areas of youth work that we can use also in this case?
Are there other organisations that we can contact and learn from regarding this?
Do we need to take other measures?
Do we have to revise our perspectives and/or priorities regarding youth work?

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