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Download to PDF Activating citizens – municipalities making use of the European Solidarity Corps

Activating citizens – municipalities making use of the European Solidarity Corps

Germany, online, April 27 - April 28, 2021
European level activity

The European Solidarity Corps Programme is the programme of the European Union for promoting solidarity as a value. It aims to enhance the engagement of young people and organizations in accessible and high-quality solidarity activities, thereby strengthening cohesion, solidarity, democracy and citizenship in Europe, while also responding to societal challenges and strengthening communities.


The main aim of the event was to motivate and support municipalities to make use of the possibilities of the European Solidarity Corps Programme. It aimed to illustrate multiple advantages for municipalities to encounter their local needs, activate their citizens and to strengthen their (twin town) networks.

Target group and implementation

The seminar offered learning and networking for participants from municipalities and municipal organizations, which want to bring a European dimension into their youth work and citizenship activities.

The seminar was hosted online by Jugend für Europa, the German National Agency of the European Solidarity Corps.

SALTO-link of the event: