Include our youth, inspire the present & build the future

Changing Europe
Download to PDF Call for a facilitator for the 4th European EGL Event

Call for a facilitator for the 4th European EGL Event

News from Partners 22/10/2021

JINT vzw is looking for a facilitator who will be part of a team that will take care of the overall moderation and facilitation of the 4th European EGL event.

JINT vzw is the Flemish knowledge centre for international youth mobility and international youth policy and is the implementing National Agency for the Erasmus+ Youth in action programme of the European Commission in Flanders, Belgium.

The project

The EGL project is a long-term strategic partnership between the National and their partners.

The core aim of the project is to raise the quality of local youth work in particular through enhanced cooperation between various stakeholders that are active at the municipal level. The Partnership currently involves about 200 members who represent around 120 municipalities in the participating countries.

Parameters of the Conference

The conference will take place on 17-19 May 2022 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania with 200 participants.

Deadline to apply for the call: 29 October 2021.

Details of the call: Call for a facilitator for the 4th European conference of the Europe Goes Local project