Let’s connect and thrive together

Super Youth Worker
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I giovani Contano

Associazione Elda Mazzocchi Scarzella


via 25 aprile n.65, 09015 Domusnovas, Italy


  • Participation of young people in activities (planning, preparing, carrying out, etc.)
  • Active citizenship/activism
  • Youth work in rural areas

Concrete tool

I “giovani Contano” aims to empower responsible citizens ready to administer and change the world, starting by acting in our little village, called Domusnovas. Our organization works every day to involve young people to know and to value our rural village, changing the point of view and changing threats into opportunities. Young people, thanks to specific workshops and youth exchanges are studying to become community activators and active citizens.
Young people are involved now in different activities with children of our little town, and they are disseminating what they have learnt by testimonials to the children. They are achieving a lot of results, because they can communicate to the children better then adults.

How and where the activities are carried out.

Context. Domusnovas is a municipality in the Iglesiente area, in the southwestern part of Sardinia, in which there is a priceless natural, geological and industrial archaeological patrimony. Domusnovas, with over six thousand inhabitants, is an important municipality in the Iglesiente area and is known as the ‘village of the grottoes’ as well as being a protagonist in the historic mining period, which lasted over a year, until the middle of the 20th century, with approximately 50 mines. The little town is also famous for a Nuragic fortress with a complex structure.

Elda Mazzocchi Scarzella organization offer to 25 children free activities every day in the afternoon, to the child (from 6 until 10 years old) of the little town of Domusnovas. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday we offer support for school activities, on Tuesday ping pong training, on Friday we offer team sports activities.
The peculiarity of this service is that the educators are supported by 8 teenager(from 13 until 16 years old), they are studying to become community tutors. They are the boys and girls who a few years ago participated in the “Possible Gardens” project thanks to which 4 peripheral areas in 4 countries including Domusnovas were regenerated. The activities are carried out in the largest park in the town of Domusnovas. Here there is a municipal room that the association can use for its activities.

The project, created by Sport Senza frontiere, is called “Sport Power” and it is finaced by “Impresa Sociale con I Bambini” and “Enel nel cuore”. More info at  ://www.sportsenzafrontiere.it/progetti/sport-power/

Next project for the community tutors

After the youth exchange carried out in 2021 in Holmavik town (ICELAND) , on February the 8 community tutor will visit a primary school in Morocco, here they’ll support local teacher in specific workshops with children

  • Young people are happy and they participate assiduously in the activities the children listen carefully and are motivated, the families are happy. Young people and children together they have already regenerated a public garden and organized a party

Organisation and practice