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Youth Participatory Budgeting in Józsefváros – Budapest, District VIII.

Budapest Főváros VIII. kerület Józsefvárosi Önkormányzat


63-67 Baross utca, 1082 Budapest, Hungary


  • Participation of young people in decision making
  • Active citizenship/activism
  • European/International cooperation/projects

A practice of processes and methods

Budapest’s District VIII launched Youth Participatory Budgeting in Józsefváros to engage and educate local children and youth, ages 3 to 16. This innovative practice, starting in 2024, combats low youth involvement in local governance and aims to instill civic responsibility from a young age. Building on two successful years of participatory budgeting for those 16 and above, it offers valuable youth engagement in city budget planning.

Key goals of the initiative include:

1. Youth Empowerment: Empowering youngsters to engage actively in budget decisions, instilling a sense of ownership over community development.
2. Civic Education: Acting as an educational tool, teaching democratic processes, budget management, and civic responsibilities.
3. Local Impact: Allowing youth to suggest and prioritize projects affecting their neighborhoods, fostering local attachment and responsibility.
4. Early Engagement: Involving children early to nurture a lifelong commitment to civic participation and responsible leadership.
5. Inclusivity: Ensuring underrepresented youth voices are heard, considering their perspectives and needs in local decisions.

The aim is to nurture an informed, engaged, and responsible citizenry shaping their community and bolstering local democracy. A source of inspiration for other communities striving to engage youth and foster civic education.

The Youth participatory budgeting in Józsefváros Program introduced by the Municipality is designed to engage children and youth in the decision-making process regarding the allocation of budgetary resources. This child-focused participatory budgeting initiative follows a similar model to the adult participatory budgeting process while being tailored to the unique needs and capabilities of young citizens.

Key features of the Youth participatory budgeting in Józsefváros initiative include:

  • Youth Inclusion: Youth participatory budgeting in Józsefváros provides a platform for children and youth to propose and prioritize projects that benefit them and their community. It enables them to have a say in how a portion of the district’s budget is allocated.
  • Educational Component: Youth participatory budgeting in Józsefváros serves as an educational tool, teaching young participants about democracy, civic responsibility, and budget management. It empowers them to become informed and active citizens.
  • Local Impact: Through Youth participatory budgeting in Józsefváros, children and youth can directly influence projects that affect their neighborhoods and schools, promoting a sense of ownership and responsibility.
  • Early Engagement: By involving children from a young age, Youth participatory budgeting in Józsefváros aims to instill a lifelong commitment to civic engagement and community improvement.
  • Budget Allocation: The Youth participatory budgeting in Józsefváros process allocates a specific budget, HUF 30,000,000 for children and youth to propose and implement projects within their community.

The introduction of Youth Participatory Budgeting in Józsefváros, building on the success of the existing participation budget for ages 16 and up, is expected to yield several positive outcomes:

  1. Increased Youth Engagement: This initiative will boost youth engagement in local governance, encouraging active participation in decision-making processes.
  2. Educational Benefits: Serving as a valuable educational tool, it will teach young participants about democracy, budgeting, and community development.
  3. Local Impact: Youth Participatory Budgeting in Józsefváros empowers children and youth to propose and prioritize projects directly affecting their local environment, nurturing a sense of ownership and responsibility.
  4. Early Citizenship: By involving children from a young age, it instills the values of citizenship and civic engagement, shaping them into informed and responsible future leaders.
  5. Community Empowerment: This process empowers young citizens to make a genuine difference in their neighborhoods and schools, fostering pride and community spirit.

In summary, Youth Participatory Budgeting in Józsefváros is a child-focused initiative that engages young citizens in local decision-making, educates them about democracy, and empowers them to have a positive impact on their community from an early age. This practice can serve as a model for other communities seeking to promote child participation and civic education.

Organisation and practice