Let’s connect and thrive together

Super Youth Worker
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Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Forum des jeunes et Bureau international Jeunesse


Le Service de la Jeunesse Boulevard Léopold II, 44, 1080 Bruxelles, Belgium


  • Non-formal education/-learning

A practice of processes and methods

On the occasion of the Belgian Presidency 2024 of the European Union, the Forum des Jeunes, the Bureau International Jeunesse and the Youth Service of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation wish to :

– offer young people a physical space for expression, exchange and participation
– raise the profile of youth activities in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation by proposing programming in collaboration with the youth sector

3 weeks of workshops, debates, conferences, shows, concerts, exhibitions, openmics, international encounters… for young people! The Agora Jeunes Citoyen-ne-s (AJC) takes place from February 20 to March 9 at TRACK.brussels in Brussels North Station (and also at other locations in Wallonia). This 100% free event is dedicated to the participation and expression of young people in collaboration with youth structures.

The project is not yet in the evaluation phase, but the aim is also to create links between the various structures working with young people.

Organisation and practice