Include our youth, inspire the present & build the future

Changing Europe
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Call for articles

News from Europe Goes Local 31/01/2018

Our project, Europe Goes Local is a network project that connects about 150 partners all over Europe. With this website, we intend to offer the opportunity for all our partners to publish articles that relates to municipal level youth work. One of the primary aims of the Europe Goes Local project is to create a lively network of different stakeholders that are active in municipal level youth work.

We offer our partners different types of opportunities for building knowledge, developing partnerships and exchanging on experiences. Conferences, seminars, trainings, meetings and study visits are organized by the National Agencies of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme. Activities take place both within national and international context.

We believe that successful and fruitful networking has various dimensions. To support communication and exchange amongst the members of the network, we wish to invite all our partners to publish their articles on our website in line with the following criteria:

If you wish to publish and article, please, contact the project coordinator, Judit Balogh via the e-mail address.

The articles of the website will be promoted through our newsletter and Facebook page.