Ivana Gabrišova is a Project Manager at Žilina Youth Council in Slovakia. We already interviewed her about what the Youth Council does at EGL in Action. Today, we get to know Ivana better in this latest Faces of EGL.
Ivana has been working at the Žilina Youth Council for almost four years now. Coming from Kysucké Nové Mesto, nearby Žilina, made it easy for Ivana to start her life in the bigger city. She’s also studying Management, and participating in the city Council is a rich working experience for her.
She loves working with people. The project management department presents a great opportunity for her to apply her knowledge and skills from her studies. Meeting people, being able to write and implement projects, and leading a variety of activities is what she likes most. It’s a great symbiosis between her studies and her work.
Apart from work, Ivana loves reading and outdoor sports. She loves to ski and has lovely memories when she went to Finland as a part of Erasmus+ exchange. There she enjoyed the cold weather. and plenty of skiing. She welcomes opportunities to meet other cultures and travel. Networking and socializing make her feel happy and fulfilled.
You can read about the Žilina Youth Council here.