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Lithuania’s local youth work events in 2021

Lithuania, September 1 - September 30, 2021
National level activity

Lithuania organised several local youth work events in 2021. Even though it was difficicult to organise events due to covid, they were even able to invite people from Croatia and Slovania.

In September 2021, twelve representatives from Croatian and Slovenian municipalities visited youth centers, municipalities, and the Youth Department in Lithuania. This was a great opportunity for the guests to learn more about the youth work system in Lithuania.

Lithuania organised another local event in September and October 2021. They had the training courses for Youth Affairs coordinators on the topics “research in youth field”, “media literacy and misinformation”, and “international youth policy”. 25 youth affairs coordinators from various Lithuanian municipalities participated in this event.

You can find more information about the Lithuanian National Agency and its activities here.

Are you interested to learn more about good practices in local youth work, or do you want to submit one of your own? You can find more info here.

Local youth work

As a European platform for cooperation, one of Europe Goes Local’s missions is to strengthen the youth work community of practice at the local level. With the European Charter and our tools, we aim to enhance and contribute to the further development of quality local youth work. We do this together with our National Agencies, municipalities, local youth work actors, and other partners.

In this serie, we introduce how the principles of Europe Goes Local and the European Charter enrich, express, and apply at the local level through various activities and good practices. We selected a number of local events shared by our National Agencies and local municipalities that bring forward creative and original ways to strengthen local youth work and elevate the collaboration, dialogue, and peer-learning throughout the youth work community of practice.