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Municipal Youth Work: Study Visit in Finland

Finland, Helsinski, May 16 - May 19, 2022
European level activity

The Finnish National Agency for Education organised two study visits for youth workers at the municipal level in Finland in May 2022. These study visits were “Youth Work in Schools” and “Municipal Youth Work”. These activities are helping the quality development of the municipal youth work practices across Europe. Both visits were part of the partnership with Europe Goes Local.

Municipal Youth Work

The second study visit is ‘Municipal Youth Work in Helsinki’. It took place from the 16th to 19th of May 2022 in Helsinki, Finland. The study visit aimed to show the participants how the city of Helsinki organizes its municipal youth work. They saw how the largerst city in Finland structurs and delivers youth work, what goes on behind the screens in administrative planning, and how it translates into practices on young people’s everyday level.

The participants also saw what the guiding principles of municipal youth work are, how the priorities are set, how the needs of end-users are included, and also how evaluation of work, knowledge management, and documentation support service development.

You can find more info on this study visit here.

Youth Work in Schools

The topic of the first study visit was Youth Work in Schools. You can read more about it here.