Make room for inclusion – youth work for all

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Project Lab in Bonn

Germany, Bonn, October 19 - October 21, 2022
European level activity

The first Project Lab from Europe Goes Local was in Bonn (Germany) from the 19th to the 21st of October 2022. This Project Lab was an international training and networking event. Its objective was to strengthen the usage and exploitation of the possibilities offered by the ERASMUS+ and the European Solidarity Corps programmes for youth work at the municipal level. It was organised by JUGEND für Europa and Europe Goes Local.

The 14 participants learned more about the possibilities of Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre, while experts from JUGEND für Europa were so kind to visit and answer questions on the second day. They also learned more about Europe Goes Local and our exclusive new intranet, which they’ve been using during the trainings on their phones. Furthermore, they’ve learned more about the European Charter on Local Youth Work and reflected on it. They’ve also reflected about their own networks, strengths, and growth opportunities.

During the last day and a half, the participants had to think out a project in cooperation with two other people, on which they received a first feedback halfway through. On the last morning, all participants had to present their projects to the trainers and organisers to receive one last feedback.

More information about this Project Lab will come here soon.

You can find the call for participants here.