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Webinar: Fostering Meaningful Communication in Local Reality

Online, June 9 - June 9, 2022
European level activity

Europe Goes Local organised a webinar about fostering meaningful communication in the local reality on the 9th of June 2022. Janne Kareinen of the Dialogue Academy in Finland was our speaker during this webinar about local youth work.

Participants learned about the dialogicality and the Finnish “Timeout-Dialogue”-model and ways how to involve young people equally to discussions in their communities. Furthermore, they gained a better understanding how complex and challenging topics can become a richness for learning and development in local realities. The participants also got time to reflect on their own ways of communication towards their stakeholder and got to practice their own dialogicality. They also heard examples of how dialogue has an impact on democratic processes.

“Dialogue is essential for better understanding diversity of voices in local realities”

Janne Kareinen

“Dialogue is essential for better understanding diversity of voices in local realities”, says Janne. ‘Dialogue is a space where those voices can come together as equals to listen and learn from each other. Through committing to dialogue, one can better understand the complexity of local issues, combat polarisation, and support democratic processes and participation, especially for those whose voices are often left unheard.’

You can find the original call for participants here.