Let’s connect and thrive together

Super Youth Worker
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Lasso vzw


Sainctelettesquare 19, 1000 Brussel, Belgium


  • Participation of young people in decision making
  • Arts and culture

Concrete tool

BabbelArt is a tool that can have different purposes: As a warm-up for a holiday week in a cultural context, as a project week at school, as part of a group building activity with colleagues or volunteers, as a start of a cultural program in an association, as a brainstorm for organisers or for organising your own project or festival – or as well to offer Dutch or French language practice opportunities. BabbelArt consists of two parts that can be played separately. It is not necessary to play the first part prior the second part. The duration of the game depends on which part you want to play. The first part simulates the reflection on art, culture and creativity and wants to broaden the view of the participants. In de second part the players organise their own ideal arts festival. The players create new activities and think about the way in which they will show these activities at the festival (workshop, exhibition….) They come up with a suitable location and title for the festival and they determine which partners should work together to make the festival possible.

BabbelArt is a playful conversation method for group leaders, teachers, (art) educational and training staff who want to talk to a group of young people or adults about their artistic and cultural interests and experiences. It provides insight into the world and expectations of the players in terms of art and culture and how they want to experience their own creativity. BabbelArt can be played with young people from 10 years as well as with adults. Is was created bilingual (NL/FR), but can also be adapted in an English.

Lasso and her partners uses BabbelArt to start up cultural or artistic programms with different groups. It provides us with information on the talents and interests of the participants. It also can be used as a tool for youngsters to practices on who to create a cultural festival.

Organisation and practice