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Certificate Youth Friendly Municipality

Inštitut za mladinsko politiko


Cesta IV. prekomorske 61a, 5270 Ajdovščina Vipava, Slovenia


  • Participation of young people in decision making
  • Active citizenship/activism
  • Policymaking
  • Lobbying/advocacy for youth work

Concrete tool

The Youth Friendly Municipality certificate is a recognition of self-governing local communities that successfully implement measures in the field of vertical and horizontal youth policies. Such measures are aimed at the integration of ever new generations of young people into individual parts of society’s life, and above all at promoting independence as quickly as possible.

The Youth Friendly Municipality certificate, valid for four years, is awarded annually to local communities that the expert commission recognizes as youth-friendly because they successfully implement at least one measure from all priority areas of youth policies.

By obtaining the certificate, the municipality, which has already proven to be successful in its work in the field of youth, undertakes to continue systematically regulating the field of youth and to raise or maintain the level of efficiency over a four-year period.

The Youth Friendly Municipality certificate is awarded by the Institute for Youth Policy in cooperation with the Community of Municipalities of Slovenia and under the honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar.

At the moment, 47 out of 212 municipalities in Slovenia, have a Youth Friendly certificate.

The initiative aims to improve living conditions for young people in the local community by creating a local environment that is friendly, inclusive, and supportive for young people and gives them more opportunities to develop, cooperate, and realize their potential.

A key feature of the Youth Friendly Municipality program is its comprehensive approach to addressing the needs and challenges of young people. It is not a one-off initiative or individual measure but a sustainable program that includes long-term strategies and policies and the active involvement of young people in making decisions that affect their lives.

The program focuses on various areas that are important to young people, including education, employment, housing, mobility, political participation, health, and information. It strives to establish appropriate infrastructural and institutional conditions that support young people’s development and create a safe, stimulating, and friendly environment.

The Youth Friendly Municipality program differs from other similar projects primarily in its comprehensiveness, sustainable orientation, and emphasis on the active involvement of young people. Instead of isolated measures, the Youth Friendly Municipality program focuses on systematically solving the problems of young people and creating the conditions for their comprehensive approach. The participation of young people in the formulation of policies, programs, and projects ensures that they are truly adapted to young people, their needs, and expectations.

Local communities that obtain the Youth Friendly Municipality certificate demonstrate their commitment to improving the quality of life of young people and the future of the entire community. The program promotes solidarity, integration, and dialogue between generations, which leads to a more inclusive and successful society.

When evaluating the success of the implementation of measures, significant emphasis is placed on the following areas:

  • Planned treatment of the field of youth
  • Youth participation
  • Organizing youth
  • Informing young people
  • Youth employment
  • Education of young people
  • Housing policy
  • Youth mobility

Currently, 47 municipalities in Slovenia hold the Youth Friendly Municipality certificate. Its effects contribute to the better development of young people, improving their social and economic situation and creating a more inclusive and vibrant community. Effects include, for example:

  • improving the quality of life for young people in the local community
  • greater involvement of young people in decision-making processes and the formulation of policies that concern them
  • development and implementation of programs that support education, employment, and career development of young people’s interests
  • promoting the participation and active citizenship of young people
  • increasing accessibility to services that are important for young people
  • strengthening intergenerational cooperation and exchange of experiences between different generations
  • promoting entrepreneurship and innovation among young people
  • strengthening the belonging of young people to the local community and encouraging the active co-creation of a common space
  • creating sustainable long-term solutions for the challenges faced by young people in the local community

Quality development