Let’s connect and thrive together

Super Youth Worker
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Henegouwenkaai 29/6, 1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, Belgium


  • Non-formal education/-learning
  • Participation of young people in activities (planning, preparing, carrying out, etc.)
  • Sustainable development
  • Safe/secure youth work environment
  • Youth work in urban areas
  • Volunteering/voluntarism

Concrete tool

Young people are trained to assume greater responsibilities within their lives. This encompasses the cultivation of a sense of ownership, serving as role models for other children and adolescents, and acquiring new skills, such as organizational abilities. This process provides valuable experiences that contribute to their personal and professional growth.

Additionally, there is an active effort to guide young people towards summer employment, aiming to achieve financial independence or stability. This opportunity allows them to develop practical skills and take responsibility for their financial well-being.

As a result of these initiatives, the confidence of the young participants grows, with affirmation in the development of new facets of their personalities. This approach contributes to the positive development of the youth, preparing them for a self-assured future.

Children and young people from our organization, as well as those referred through friends, family, or indirect connections, have the opportunity to enroll in a 50-hour animator course.

During this course, they are instructed on adopting a supervisory approach, managing group safety, and understanding dynamics within a group. Participants learn to collaborate with colleagues, administer rewards and sanctions responsibly, create and present games, practice explaining game rules, and enhance games with a focus on developing and encouraging creativity.

The program includes lessons on developmental psychology, addressing challenges specific to each age group. Additionally, there is a section on bullying prevention, and finally, an essential component is an first aid (EHBO) course.

Upon successful completion of the 50-hour course, participants receive a certificate. Subsequently, they are encouraged and guided through an internship. Leveraging our extensive network in Brussels, we provide them with the tools and assistance to find a suitable internship placement. Finally, we continue to support and monitor the participants after their internship to assess their experience and guide them towards the next step in their development.

After completing their training, young individuals have the capacity to assume their own responsibilities within other operations. This contributes to enhancing the overall quality of the operation. They are better equipped to handle challenging situations or instances of bullying, possessing tools to navigate and take charge of specific scenarios. Moreover, they are capable of devising tailored activities for the target audience. The games they create are more elaborate and carefully considered. This heightened sense of ownership extends not only to themselves but also within the subunit.

Furthermore, they become role models for children and other young people. Observing the growth of these individuals inspires and stimulates others to pursue an animator course. In this manner, an ecosystem is cultivated within the operation, fostering a dynamic environment of continuous learning and development.

Quality development