Include our youth, inspire the present & build the future

Changing Europe
Download to PDF Launching Webinar of the Changemakers Kit

Launching Webinar of the Changemakers Kit

News from Europe Goes Local 07/10/2020

The Europe Goes Local strategic cooperation project is arriving at a new milestone. After launching the European Charter on Local Youth Work in 2019, the network started to build an on-line toolkit to support the implementation of the Charter. This on-line toolkit, which we will call the Changemakers Kit includes good practices, explanatory and background information, a library of policy documents and an interactive tool for self-assessment and planning future actions.
The launch of the Changemakers Kit will happen via a live streamed webinar on the 20th of October at 14:30-16:30 CET. Besides introducing the features of the new tool at the webinar, we also intend to create a moment for reflection on the situation of local youth work and to have a live a panel discussion between key stakeholders, presenting good practices from the municipal level and some messages from decision makers.

Open access via Zoom:

and the Facebook event.