Activating Citizens: Municipalities Making Use of the European Solidarity Corps will go on from 21-22 June 2022. It will be two half-day sessions from 9:30 to 15:00. The deadline to apply is 22 May 2022.

The seminar will:

During this training course you will:

There will be 30participants from Europe and the partner regions (Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership Countries, and South-Mediterranean countries). The Bulgarian National Agency for Erasmus+ and ESC, European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre, and Europe Goes Local are hosting this training course.

More info and apply here.

EGL Project Coordinator Judit Balog was one of the keynote speakers at the transnational NET Activity “Rural Areas, Challenges and Solidarity” held this March.

The Hellenic National Agency for Erasmus+ and the Youth & European Solidarity Corps organized the NET Activity and hosted 35 participants from all over Europe. There were representatives of municipalities and youth organizations from rural areas, but also youth workers who work in rural areas around Europe. The participants were people who are interested in exploring the opportunities that the European Solidarity Corps and other programs can bring to these communities.

Ms. Balog presented the activities of the Europe Goes Local project, explaining how the participants could benefit through EGL, learn more about good practices in local youth work, and related resources for quality development of youth work.

This NET activity, and many others you will be able to find on the HOP Online Learning Platform. This serves as a learning resource center for online courses for youth work communities of practice. The HOP platform was launched in 2017 in cooperation between several SALTO Resource Centres and National Agencies of Erasmus+ as a base for their online course on volunteering activities. The platform also hosts other courses, creating a wide community of online learners.

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