Activating Citizens: Municipalities Making Use of the European Solidarity Corps will go on from 21-22 June 2022. It will be two half-day sessions from 9:30 to 15:00. The deadline to apply is 22 May 2022.
The seminar will:
During this training course you will:
There will be 30participants from Europe and the partner regions (Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership Countries, and South-Mediterranean countries). The Bulgarian National Agency for Erasmus+ and ESC, European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre, and Europe Goes Local are hosting this training course.
More info and apply here.
The 4th European Event of Europe Goes Local is fast approaching! EGL is launching its platform for stronger cooperation on May 17th – 19th in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
But that’s not all. You will also:
We invite all local youth stakeholders who are committed to raising the quality of youth work and making a difference in their countries to apply and attend our event.
The application deadline is April 28th, 2022. More info and apply here.