Apply for the seminar ‘Visible Value: Strengthening the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda in Eastern and Southeast Europe’ by 29 September!
Find more info here.
The study visit will provide insights to the reality of local youth work and youth participation, through visiting three municipalities of the region. It will take place from the 9th to the 12th of November in Trenčianske Teplice, Slovakia. The application deadline is 4 October.
The study visit will provide insights to the reality of local youth work and youth participation, through visiting three municipalities of the region. You will meet a diversity of local stakeholders, experts and practitioners and reflect on quality aspects of youth work and youth participation from the perspective of Europe Goes Local and Democracy Reloading tools.
You can find more information and apply here.
Are you a municipality officer (or their partner) who wants to improve your youth policies, structures, and projects engaging young people in municipal decision-making?
Then apply for a webinar from Democracy Reloading this autumn! There are webinars on 28 September, 26 October and 30 November 2022.
The webinars will
Find more info and how to apply here.
The second Project Lab of Europe Goes Local focuses on rural youth work. This training will take place in Chalkidiki (Greece) from the 14th to the 17th of November 2022. The participants will also join a preparatory webinar and an online meet and greet session in October. If you’re interested in a general Project Lab about local youth work, you can apply for the Project Lab in Bonn.
The Europe Goes Local Project Labs are international training and networking events. They bring officials and practitioners in youth work together to strengthen the usage and exploitation of the possibilities offered by the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps programmes for youth work at municipal level.
Specifically, the Project Labs aim to:
Find more information about this project lab on rural youth work here, and apply until the 20th of September here.
You can also still apply for the Project Lab in Bonn until the 5th of September. This project lab doesn’t have a specific theme.