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Webinar Quality Youth Work

Belgium, Online, November 25, 2021
European level activity

Europe Goes Local organised a webinar about Quality Youth Work in general and how European instruments can impact local policies and strategies. It took place on November 25 2021 and was the first of a webinar series about Quality Youth Work. This webinar was also the first event for future Charter Ambassadors.

Participants discovered more about how to further improve youth work, the European policy context & development, and the European Charter on Local Youth Work for example. You can find the programme in the attached document.

The second webinar on 16 December was about introducing and trying out the Changemakers Kit, the online toolkit that Europe Goes Local developed to support local youth work.

Charter Ambassadors

Europe Goes Local established a network of Charter Ambassadors. The training for Charter Ambassadors was organised in the first quarter of 2022, but the process was kickstarted with a series of webinars in 2021. These Charter Ambassadors were nominated by their NA and did a residential training on top of the webinars.

The Charter

Europe Goes Local launched the European Charter on Local Youth Work in June 2019 as “a common European platform for the necessary dialogue on youth work”. The charter is not a political document, but “a checklist around which stakeholders can gather and discuss what measures might be needed for the further development of youth work”.

The Charter has met very positive reactions throughout the youth work community of practice. In the declaration from the 3rd European Youth Work Convention, Signposts for the future, the charter is explicitly mentioned as an important tool for the quality development of youth work.

Charter and Changemakers Kit

You can find more information about the Charter (multilingual) and the connected Changemakers Kit at:

You can also find more information on the website of SALTO.