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Austrian National Working Group Expert Meeting

November 24 - November 25, 2022
National level activity

The Austrian National Working Group of Europe Goes Local Experts met between 24th and 25th of November 2022 in Linz. It was the first national Working Group Meeting since 2019.

The meeting started with an informal get-together that was accompanied by an exhibition through EGL history. The interactive exhibition gave an insight into the developments of Europe Goes Local at the international as well as the national level and invited to a first exchange on ideas of the current needs of local level youth work.

On the second day of the meeting, the discussion on the current needs of local level youth work was deepened and ideas on how EGL can help to meet those needs were gathered.

In addition, Elisa from Europe Goes Local gave an insight into the developments of the EGL network. She introduced EGL shortly for the new NWG members, and explained what has been happening in the last couple of years and the plans for the future.

After her presentation, Clarissa from the Austrian National Agency gave an overview of what has happened at the national level and initiated a discussion on future possibilities of engagement of the Austrian EGL Working Group. Based on this presentation, the group talked in small groups about questions around their needs and what they want out of the project in Austria.

In the afternoon, the Austrian Charter Ambassadors, Christiane and Severin, introduced the European Charter on Local Youth Work as well as the Changemakers Kit and talked about their involvement as Charter Ambassadors.

The meeting concluded with the development of a workplan for 2023. All the members of the NWG were brainstorming about the needs of local youth work and future plans and needs of the NWG in smaller groups. There is more to come!

You can find the website of the Austrian National Agency OeAD here.