Include our youth, inspire the present & build the future

Changing Europe
Download to PDF Actions in EGL: a training on lobbying

Actions in EGL: a training on lobbying

News from Partners 30/04/2019

Europe Goes Local is much more than a group of youth workers who get together once a year at a European event. We have lots of actions happening at the European, national and local levels. From now, we will start introducing activities that were initiated and carried out by our network members. If you are interested in any of them, contact us for more information!

Lobbying for Youth Work – The European Advanced Training

Think about this vision of a flourishing society: a community whose members, youthful and old, are educated about and occupied with all the serious issues that influence their lives. Among other tools, “lobbying” is an act of attempting to influence the actions, policies, or decisions of legislators or members of regulatory institutions.

Supporting the development and recognition of youth work, it is necessary for the stakeholders to become active in interfering with and influencing local policy making. This requires a fundamental change in youth workers’ attitude as well as adapted and new skills and abilities. It needs further education in areas such as policy intervention, policy advice and lobbying.

The Road To Change

In Germany, a model in the years 2013-2015 with these contents and with exceptionally positive outcomes was created. This preparation expects to exchange the Germany model venture to the European dimension. Jugend für Europa, the German National Agency of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme and its partners decided to develop an international long term training course for youth workers on the basis of the already existing model, in the framework of the Europe Goes Local project.

The point is to add to a more honed profile and to an improved political situating of youth work. Youth workers are to get out of their uninvolved position and into progressively dynamic roles as step towards developing co-makers of fellow youth work arrangement.

What Are We Aiming For with the training?

What we have accomplished:

Contents of MODULE 1 : January 2019 in Germany

Webinar held in March.

What’s Next:

Contents of MODULE 2 : June 2019 in Austria

Webinar in October

What’s There To Come:

Webinar in January

MODULE 3: in February/March 2020 in Latvia

The Wrap:

The undertaking is planned as a propelled preparing and further training module and will cover the accompanying learning components and errands:

Some additional readings:

The information leaflet of the training course

The presentation of the training course

Stay tune for more updates on our programs and follow our Good Practices Series.

Catch you next time.

written by La Sheika Campbell.