Our project, Europe Goes Local is a network project that connects about 150 partners all over Europe. With this website, we intend to offer the opportunity for all our partners to publish articles that relates to municipal level youth work. One of the primary aims of the Europe Goes Local project is to create a lively network of different stakeholders that are active in municipal level youth work.
We offer our partners different types of opportunities for building knowledge, developing partnerships and exchanging on experiences. Conferences, seminars, trainings, meetings and study visits are organized by the National Agencies of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme. Activities take place both within national and international context.
We believe that successful and fruitful networking has various dimensions. To support communication and exchange amongst the members of the network, we wish to invite all our partners to publish their articles on our website in line with the following criteria:
If you wish to publish and article, please, contact the project coordinator, Judit Balogh via the judit.balogh@jint.be e-mail address.
The articles of the website will be promoted through our newsletter and Facebook page.
JINT vzw is looking for a facilitator who will be part of a team that will take care of the overall moderation and facilitation of the conference of our project ‘Europe goes local –Supporting youth work on municipal level’
The 2nd large European event of the project will take place Cascais, Portugal from the 4th to the 8th of June 2018. The conference will bring together about 150 people from the countries participating in the project and the representatives of European organisations.
One of the main goals of the project is to develop a Charter on Local Youth Work (working title of the document). A broad-based consultation process will take place from March 2018 until May 2019 when the Charter is planned to be launched. This conference is also a forum for discussing the first draft of the Charter and its purpose with the participating stakeholders.
Besides this, the event is going to provide opportunities for building knowledge, creating discussions and sharing experience about the key issues of local level youth work. A thematic approach will be followed which will relate to local level youth policy, youth policy-making and youth work policy-making.
Please, find the call for the facilitator on the following link: http://www.jint.be/Callforfacilitator
The main decisions making body of the Europe Goes Local project is the Steering Group that has its next meeting from the 31st of January to the 2nd of February in Brussels. The Steering Group involves four National Agencies of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme (Belgium-Flanders, France, Germany and Slovenia), the European Youth Forum, the Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the youth field and two networks: POYWE and InterCity Youth.
The coordinating National Agency of the project, JINT vzw is hosting the upcoming Steering Group meeting in Brussels on 31 January – 2 February. The members of the Steering Group come together to decide about the next steps within the project and to define the aims, goals and activities for the second half of the its implementation period.
The project activities take place at two levels. National Agencies plan all initiatives that are implemented at the national level or within a small circle of European partners, while the Steering Group decides about the actions and aims that concern all participating actors.
2018 and 2019 will be an active period in the life of the project. Two European conferences are foreseen and a consultation with stakeholders in each participating country that will result in a new tool to support municipal level youth work. The new tool shall be a Charter on Local Youth Work that is intended to help all involved actors of local youth work in advocacy, practical planning as well as a checklist for quality control.