Make room for inclusion – youth work for all

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The 3rd European event of EGL

Belgium, Brussels, June 4 - June 6, 2019
European level activity

The Europe Goes Local strategic partnership holds its third European event on 4-6 June 2019 in Brussels. The partnership was created in 2016 as the initiative of 22 National Agencies of the Erasmus+ youth programme and their 4 partners – the InterCity Youth network, the POYWE network, the European Youth Forum and the partnership between the EU and the Council of Europe – representing different areas of youth work in Europe. As a result of the past three years, a broad European network has been established in which more than 150 municipalities, local youth NGOs, umbrella organisations and individual experts cooperate via various international activities.

The 3rd European event brings together 200 actors from municipal level youth work to learn from each other, plan new collaboration activities and have exchanges about the quality development of local youth work with a new support tool, the future European Charter on Local Youth Work.