I’m changing Europe!
Maša is a big youth work enthusiast and humanitarian at heart who has been part of the SHL Bosnia as a Project Coordinator of the Academy for Young Leaders in Civil Society. While managing the program and welcoming already 5 generations of young people who have already graduated from the Academy, Maša is a role model to many. […]
We had the pleasure of interviewing Maša Galić, Project Coordinator for the Academy for Young Leaders in Civil Society, a flagship program by the foundation Schüler Helfen Leben (SHL) in Sarajevo. From its beginnings during the wartime in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it transformed into an incubator for young leaders and a host of good practices in […]
Alexandra Peca serves as the Head of Democracy & Human Rights at GEYC, a prominent Romanian NGO, where she leads initiatives designed to empower and inspire young people to become active citizens and leaders. With a Master’s degree in Diplomacy and Bachelor’s in International Relations from the University of Bucharest, Alexandra combines her academic expertise […]
We talked to Alexandra Peca, head of Democracy & Human Rights from Group of the European Youth for Change – GEYC, an organization with a mission to empower young people to bring positive change in their community. GEYC has been initiating many projects that contribute to the quality development of local youth work. In this […]
Kathrin hails from a rural area in upper Austria. Being part of the project Mitmischen & Aufmischen im Dorf! (Be Involved!) which boosts youth participation in rural areas, is right up her alley. Like many young people, Kathrin came to Salzburg to study. There, she completed a degree in German language and Communications. Last three […]
Salzburg region has a long reference of caring about youth participation and engaging people from an early age. We talked with Kathrin Weichselbaumer-Wimmer, Regional Office Manager from the municipal youth center Akzente Salzburg about what made this project a good practice, and how it connected youth and allowed them to participate in the local policies […]
When not in the office, Elizabeta is dedicated to her family. She enjoys a life immersed in nature and all sorts of sports activities they can get in the countryside. As a mother of four, there’s never a dull moment. Her family lives on a small farm in central Slovenia, 30 km east of Ljubljana. […]
MOVIT is one of the founding members of the EGL network, and year after year we enjoyed checking in with the team to learn more about how is municipal youth work developing in their country. This time we had the pleasure of interviewing Elizabeta Lakosil, Program Officer at MOVIT, the National Agency for Erasumus+: Youth and […]
There are youth workers who are also pioneers in their vision, enthusiasm, and grassroots approach to developing local youth work. Slava Mezhdoyan is one of them. The President and Executive Director of Umbrella – a youth organization from Tbilisi, Georgia, works hard to grow the foundations and network for quality development of local youth work […]
We’ve interviewed Slava Mezhdoyan, president of Umbrella, a youth organization from Tbilisi, Georgia. Slava shared with us how Umbrella contributes to the quality development of youth work in Georgia and what are concrete initiatives and programs that help local communities. We also discussed their goals, inspiring good practice called Youth Work/Ers Matter, and the impact they […]
Before her role in the Coordination office for youth participation in the city region of Aachen, Dörthe was deeply engaged as a volunteer from a young age. Currently pursuing studies in Economics and Politics with aspirations to become a teacher, she brings four years of experience to her position in the youth participation office. Outside […]
We enjoyed interviewing Barbara van Rey and Dörthe Hofman, from the Youth Participation Coordination office in the city region of Aachen in Germany. Barbara and Dörthe told us more about the office’s core activities, and its good practice – Das Geht! Youth and politics in dialogue. The office has developed projects to continuously support youth participation and […]
When thinking of civic engagement in North Macedonia, Martina is at the forefront of it. She is the life of the party in the very first Probishtip’s youth center. As the coordinator of the center and the president of the managing organization GRIT, Martina is driving the social changes in her hometown – a dream […]
We had the pleasure of interviewing Martina Jachevska, a youth worker and coordinator of the Youth Center Probishtip. The municipality of Probishtip established this first youth center to provide services for the young people in the town. The center is a space where youngsters can develop their personal, social, and professional lives. Martina is also […]
The first thought that comes to mind when seeing and hearing Dr. Williamson is correct, he is a one-of-a-kind visionary, rock star youth work practitioner, and fully-fledged youth advocate. His ability to balance well a plethora of stakeholders and conditions needed for the quality development of youth work quickly immerses you into the youth work […]
Marija is a dedicated youth worker and social activist hailing from North Macedonia, with over a decade of experience in the field of youth work. After a Master’s degree in Law and completion of the Human Rights Advocates Program at Columbia University in New York, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her […]
We enjoyed interviewing Marija Krstevska Taseva, Project Manager from Dypall Network. She told us more about the organization, its mission, and activities, and its good practice – Quality Charter on Participatory and Inclusive Local Youth Councils. We also learned more about their upcoming activities. How would you describe DYPALL’s main field of activity? DYPALL Network’s […]
With an educational background in social work and pedagogical studies, Fien finds herself in the right place at the right time. Globelink provides the ideal home base for creating the social impact she was dreaming about. The themes she’s passionate about are resilience, solidarity, and connection. She encounters dozens of young people with an opinion […]
We interviewed Fien Morren, Project Officer from the Youth Service Globelink in Anderlecht, Brussels. Fien shared with us what the center does, more about their good practice project KRAS, and how they are making a difference in the local youth work. What is the main field of activity of Globelink? Youth Service Globelink is a national youth […]
From the cozy, small town of Termoli on the Adriatic Sea coast, in the Molise region – between Abruzzo and Puglia, or how the locals say ‘the unknown’ region of Italy, Grazia ventured to western Europe and Brussels, Belgium. Interested in different languages and cultures from a very young age, Grazia was happy to explore […]
We had the pleasure of interviewing Grazia Cannarsa, Research, and Information Manager from Eurodesk Brussels. With its EU spread network, Eurodesk cooperates with local-level youth organizations and contributes to good practices in the youth sector. Eurodesk has been committed to supporting youth work at the local level. We talked about the organization, its aims, and […]
Amanda works as a youth affairs specialist in the youth center ‘Baze’, Gulbene, Latvia. She is originally from this district. Life also took her to study and live in some other cities around the country, including Riga. One summer when she was back, a friend who was a youth worker asked her to join the […]
We interviewed Amanda Krišjāne from the youth center ‘Baze’ in Gulbene, Latvia. Amanda shared with us what the center does for the local community. We also talked about their priorities, inspiring good practices, and cooperation projects in the municipal youth work. How does the youth center ‘Baze’ support and develop the local youth work? The main activities […]
We’ve interviewed Dr. Georg Boldt about his his doctoral dissertation Citizens in Training. How institutional youth participation produces bystanders and active citizens in Finland for EGL in Action. But today, we get to know Georg Boldt better in this latest Faces of EGL. Dr. Georg Boldt: “I’m a sociologist working at the University of Helsinki. […]
Creating conditions and setting standards on local, municipal level for young people to become impactful change-makers and consequently effective leaders is one of Europe Goes Local’s primary goals. Recognizing youth participation as an essential element of citizenship in a democratic society, Europe Goes Local strives to implement initiatives and activities that foster meaningful youth participation […]
Ivana Gabrišova is a Project Manager at Žilina Youth Council in Slovakia. We already interviewed her about what the Youth Council does at EGL in Action. Today, we get to know Ivana better in this latest Faces of EGL. Ivana has been working at the Žilina Youth Council for almost four years now. Coming from […]
In this new EGL in Action we’ve interviewed Ivana Gabrišova from the Žilina Youth Council in Slovakia. Ivana tells us about what the organisation does, how they involve young people, how they increase youth participation in rural areas, and their strategic document, the Concept of Youth Work in the Municipality. What is the main focus […]
We’ve interviewed Agnieszka Parol-Gorna about her work as a coordinator of Lublin as the European Youth Capital 2023. The European Youth Forum awards the title of European Youth Capital to cities that have excelled in empowering their youth, boosted youth participation, and strengthened the European identity. You can read the interview here. Now we get […]
Lublin (Poland) is the European Youth Capital (EYC) 2023. We’ve interviewed Agnieszka Parol-Górna, the coordinator of Lublin EYC 2023 and youth worker, to tell us more. Lublin is the European Youth Capital this year! Can you share with us what led to Lublin becoming the first Polish city to carry this title? Agnieszka: We’ve decided […]
15 years ago the Summer Volunteering Program in Gothenburg, Sweden, started. This programs offers volunteering opportunities for teenagers in their final years in high school. We’ve interviewed Marie Falk to tell us more about the program. Marie is the Gothenburg South-West area youth developer. How did the program Summer Volunteering in Gothenburg start and what […]
We’ve interviewed Victor Toma about the European Youth Village for “EGL in Action”. The European Youth Village is a Romanian program focussed on the specific challenges and needs of young people from rural areas and also tries to create opportunities for rural youth. You can read more about the program here. Now, we’re getting to […]
We’ve interviewed Werner Prinzjakowitsch about the project Youth in Urban Space before. In this latest “Faces of EGL”, we get to know Werner better. Werner started his youth work journey a long time ago in a volunteer youth organisation and then decided to make a job out of it. He’s an educated Social Worker (BA) […]
The European Youth Village is a Romanian program focussed on the specific challenges and needs of young people from rural areas. It also tries to create opportunities for rural youth. Europe Goes Local interviewed Victor Toma, the European Youth Village program coordinator and youth worker, to tell us more. What is the European Youth Village […]
Youth workers in Vienna observed a change in the use of public space by young people before the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though the demographics confirmed that numbers in these age groups were stable and even on a slight increase, exposure to boys and young men in the street and outreach work declined, while simultaneously contact […]
We’ve interviewed Gil Nunes on the Gaia Participatory Budget. Now, we will get to know him in this episode of Faces of EGL. Gil is a Gaia City Council youth worker, a passionate writer and a sport journalist. Gil was born in Gaia (Portugal) and is happy to be working in his home country. What […]
We’ve interviewed Gil Nunes about Gaia Participatory Budgeting For Youth. Young people can apply to receive funds for their project ideas. Gil is a youth worker in the City Council of Gaia (Portugal) and a EGL Charter Ambassador. Gaia Participatory Budgeting For Youth was presented last year at the 4th EGL conference in Romania, as […]
We’ve interviewed Kiriaki Tsiantou about the good practice of the Larissa Youth Council in a previous article. Today, we get to know Kiriaki in this latest “Faces of EGL”. Kiriaki has been a member of the Larissa Youth Council in Greece for three years now. More than anything, she wanted to be part of a […]
We’ve interviewed Kiriaki Tsiantou to tell us more about the Municipal Youth Council of Larissa (Greece). She’s the Secretary of the Municipal Youth Council of Larissa and an EGL Charter Ambassador. At the 4th EGL conference in Romania this year, you presented the practices of the municipal youth council of the city Larissa in Eastern […]
Ghent will be the European Youth Capital (EYC) in 2024. We’ve interviewed Céline de Coninck, Project Leader of Ghent EYC 2024, to tell us more about this in a previous article. Today, we get to know Céline in this latest “Faces of EGL”. Céline has been passionate about youth work from her early days. After […]
Ghent will be the European Youth Capital (EYC) in 2024. We’ve interviewed Céline de Coninck, Project Leader of Ghent EYC 2024, to tell us more. EGL: At the 4th EGL event in Romania, the participants had a chance to hear more about Ghent as the city that won an important award. What is a European […]
Paikka auki (Vacant Job Funding Programme in English) is a funding program organised by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and coordinated by Nuorten Ystävät ry. The aim of the program is to promote the employment of people with poor employability: the two main target groups are young people under the age of 30 and […]
In 2021, Siuntion nuorisovaltuusto became the Finnish Youth Council of the Year. The municipality of Siuntio itself received a certificate for Youth Council Friendly Municipality that sale year. Youth councils are youth groups that represent the views of young people at the local level. Essi Hyvärinen, Chair of the Siuntio Youth Council, considers youth councils […]
Engaging, connecting, and empowering young people has been one of the key priorities within the youth work strategy in Europe. On the other hand, exclusion remains a challenge. Whether it’s based on economic status, race, gender, or sexual orientation. During the European year of Youth, all the stakeholders are looking for good practices. This time, […]
Today we turn the spotlight on the Estonian National Agency. We sat down with Heiki Viisimaa, coordinator of youth work development projects. We discussed recent events, activities, and future plans of the NA. This interview is part of Europe Goes Local’s series on presenting the work of our National Agencies. Q: What does cooperation within […]
At the beginning of 2020, the family of Europe Goes Local officially welcomed its newest member – the Romanian National Agency. Despite a year marked by uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Romanian NA managed to set up the National Working Group, identify EGL tasks and responsibilities, and build a working plan. To commemorate […]
Europe Goes Local went to visit Democracy Reloading during their last training course. Are you curious about their work? Check out our video!
Various Slovenian municipalities hosted study visits throughout 20021, where municipal workers and youth workers could share their good practices. These events were part of the Europe Goes Local partnership led by MOVIT, Slovenian National Agency for Erasmus+ and EU programs. It covered a variety of topics: spaces for youth, organisation of local youth work, financing, […]
As a strategic partnership that supports municipal level local youth work, Europe Goes Local doesn’t only aim to raise the quality of youth work development but also to create and influence a multiplier effect through identifying and promoting diverse good practices of local youth work to its members, partners and stakeholders. Thanks to the quality […]
Behind every project are people. We want to learn more about the stories behind the people working hard to realize these projects. Aleksandra Lobaskova already told us about Klaipeda becoming the 2021 European Youth Capital (EYC) in a previous article. We let Aleksandra tell us more in this latest “Faces of EGL”. When you have […]
We continue our conversation on the European Youth Capital (EYC), awarded by the European Youth Forum (EYF). The EYF is an initiative designed to empower young people, foster sustainable youth participation, and enhance our shared European values and identity. Right before the start of 2021, we sat down with the Project Manager for the EYC […]
EU President Ursula von der Leyen announced 2022 to be the European Year of Youth during her 2021 State of the Union address. The commission formally adopted the proposal last October.
Why 2022? And how is this commitment to youth at the highest level going to create the momentum needed? The covid pandemic has had a profound impact on all aspects of our personal and collective life as we continue to deal with uncertainty, interruption, the need to re-evaluate, and change[…]
The importance of youth work in Lithuania increased the last 15 years. The Department of Youth Affairs worked out the Concept of open youth centers and spaces that defined the objectives, tasks, target groups, principles, contractors, and quality requirements. One of the key objectives of the Concept was to establish open youth centers and open […]
Ghent (Belgium) won the European Youth Capital Award 2024 yesterday, organised by the European Youth Forum. The other finalists were Chișinău (Moldova), Lviv (Ukraine) and Veszprém (Hungary). The award ceremony included panel debates with the young representatives and the mayors of the candidate cities. Amiens and Klaipeda, the European Youth Capitals from respectively 2020 and […]
The Association of Cities of Croatia together with the National Agency for Mobility and the EU Programme in Croatia launched the “City For Youth” certificate. The “Cities For Youth” certificate recognises cities that are dedicated to creating the quality of life, and the personal and professional growth of their young people. “City for Youth” is […]
Jügend für Europa published “Engaging in Lobbying. Positioning Youth Work”. The publication is about the importance and relevance of lobbying for local youth (work) policymaking, and is based on the training course “Lobbying for youth work”. This publication is especially interesting for (local) youth workers, or people who are part of a national agency or […]
The online training “Opportunities of the international network “Europe Goes Local” for Ukrainian cities” was organised by SALTO EECA in cooperation with Information Centre for Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps in Ukraine. There were participants from all over Ukraine and several European countries during the afternoon. Judit Balogh, the coordinator of Europe Goes Local, […]
The stronger the people, the stronger the youth policy! Geert Boutsen (national coach Lobbying for Youth Work) This event is open for participants of Germany, Latvia, Croatia, Belgian-Flanders and France. Youth work is more than just pedagogical work with young people. It also implies a political dimension, which needs concrete action. The everyday work of […]
The year of 2021 brings new horizons for local youth work in Croatia. Inspired by the European Charter on Local Youth Work, the Association of Cities in Croatia together with the Croatian Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes published a call inviting cities to apply for a ‘City for Youth’ certificate. How this initiative contributes to […]
Back in 2019, the first round of the modular training ‘Lobbying for Youth Work’ took place in Germany, Austria and Latvia (online). The second edition is now in the pipeline. This training is an invitation to expand the skills and competencies of local youth workers, so that they can reach out to all the stakeholders […]
Europe Goes Local closely follows and supports the goals and objectives of its network members, taking an active role in sharing youth work experiences and insights from each of the countries. Through this interview, you can get inspired and informed by Ms Aleksandra Švast, Senior Advisor in Department for European Solidarity Corps, from the Croatian […]
In 2009, Porto was the first city in Portugal to develop a Municipal Youth Plan thus paving the way for the recognition and quality development of local youth policies. In December 2019, Deputy-Mayor for Youth, Catarina Araújo, announced to Porto Youth Council the will to develop Porto Youth Strategy 4.0, giving continuity to the previous […]
The increasing demand for structured and continuous European cooperation to develop and strengthen youth work across Europe confirms and reinforces the significant role Europe Goes Local (EGL) plays in the youth work community of practice. As a distinguished European cooperation platform for quality development, EGL focuses on advocacy, knowledge exchange, peer learning and networking as […]
At the closing of the 3rd European Youth Work Convention in December 2020, participants presented its final Declaration – ‘Signposts for the Future’. In expressed commitment to successfully implement the European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA), the Convention outlined future steps, actions and measures to be taken under the Bonn Process on local, regional and European […]
Gianluca Rossino is one of the panelists, invited to speak at the EGL Changemaker Kit Webinar Launch in October. Mr Rossino is 22 and the current Italian Youth Delegate to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. As a student of international relations, he has a strong passion for youth […]
As a strategic partnership that advances quality development of local youth work in municipalities across Europe, Europe Goes Local (EGL) understands how important it is to identify and promote diverse activities and initiatives of and to its members and partners in the hope of multiplying good practices, creating opportunities for growth and continuously elevating the […]
As a strategic partnership that supports municipal level local youth work, Europe Goes Local (EGL) not only aims to raise the quality of youth work development but also create and influence a multiplier effect through identifying and promoting diverse activities of and to its members, partners and stakeholders. Thanks to the quality of its cooperation, […]
As a strategic partnership that supports municipal level local youth work, Europe Goes Local (EGL) not only aims to raise the quality of youth work development but also create and influence a multiplier effect through identifying and promoting diverse activities of and to its members, partners and stakeholders. Thanks to the quality of its cooperation, […]
As a strategic partnership that supports municipal level local youth work, Europe Goes Local (EGL) not only aims to raise the quality of youth work development but also create and influence a multiplier effect through identifying and promoting diverse activities of and to its members, partners and stakeholders. Thanks to the quality of its cooperation, […]
As a strategic partnership that supports municipal level local youth work, Europe Goes Local (EGL) not only aims to raise the quality of youth work development but also create and influence a multiplier effect through identifying and promoting diverse activities of and to its members, partners and stakeholders. Thanks to the quality of its cooperation, […]
As a strategic partnership that supports municipal level local youth work, Europe Goes Local (EGL) not only aims to raise the quality of youth work development but also create and influence a multiplier effect through identifying and promoting diverse activities of and to its members, partners and stakeholders. Thanks to the quality of its cooperation, […]
As we continue our interesting and insightful journey, exploring the work of ELG’s National Agencies, today we have the pleasure to sit down and talk ‘all things youth work’ with Mr Claudius Siebel. Mr Siebel is the Policy Issues Coordinator for JUGEND für Europa – National Agency for the EU-Programmes (Erasmus+ YOUTH IN ACTION and […]
July 2020 marks year 4 of the start of Europe Goes Local. From conception to creation to implementation, the structure of EGL’s DNA has always been relational and its core essence – strong and wholehearted partnerships. What has made EGL unique and set it apart is its diverse members across Europe who feel a strong […]
As a continuation of our conversation on the activities and cooperation between the Slovak and Czech National Agencies, today we introduce to you Veronika Malantová who, together with Pavlína Slavíčková, coordinate EGL in the Czech NA. Veronika shares insights on the EGL partnership, their cooperation with the Slovak NA and the importance of quality youth […]
As this week highlights the work and accomplishments of the Slovenian National Agency, we sit down with Uroš Skrinar who is the Head of Slovenia’s NA and Polona Siter Drnovšek – EGL Project National Coordinator to talk in detail about the NA’s vision, successes and plans for 2020. Q: Within the framework of EGL partnership, […]
Today, we present to you our Q&A with Jutta Kivimäki who is a Senior Programme Advisor with the Finnish National Agency for Education. For getting informed on Finland’s NA work, please take a look. Q: Within the framework of EGL partnership, what are some highlights of the Finnish NA’s plan and strategy for 2020? In […]
As part of the EGL in Action series, we now sit down with representatives of National Agencies to discuss their work and action plans to advance quality local youth work within the framework of their EGL partnership. Today we talk to the EGL Coordinator within the Slovak National Agency, Lenka Babicova about the nature of […]
Today, we introduce to you two members of the EGL team in Croatia – Aleksandra Švast and Marko Kovačić. Ms Švast is the National EGL Coordinator within the Croatian National Agency (NA) as well as a Senior Advisor in the Department for Strategic Partnerships and Structured Dialogue in the Youth Field. Marko Kovačić, who is […]
Europe Goes Local became a platform by now which offers several opportunities for cooperation, learning and development in local youth work. The actions and activities take place in various contexts from the European to the local level. In the coming months, we will introduce the aims, objectives and current plans of the project. As the […]
We are in Finland, Lahti, where in 2019 a very interesting project took place. ‘European Values’ has been a project from the Finnish National working group to bring the European Youth Strategy into the practice. The goal was to get local actors to evaluate how their strategies and actions are related to this European Youth […]
Behind every EGL Project there are people – those incredible, energetic and enthusiastic humans who make things happen on the field. People who manage the activities, build relationships, share knowledge, inspire local communities, keep an eye on the social impact of their work. Who are the faces of EGL? We want to get to know […]
Today, we visit Eger, Hungary and talk to Gulyás Barnabás and Huszthy Boglárka about how quality local youth work is implemented locally. In June 2019, Barnabás and Boglárka took part in the 3rd EGL Event in Brussels and presented their local good practices on developing Eger’s Youth Action Plan, #TEger project and shared some successful […]
Behind every EGL Project there are people – those incredible, energetic and enthusiastic humans who make things happen on the field. People who manage the activities, build relationships, share knowledge, inspire local communities, keep an eye on the social impact of their work. Who are the faces of EGL? We want to get to know […]
The EGL Charter postulates that the ‘quality development of local youth work needs a clear and comprehensive system for documentation and follow-up of outcomes, preconditions, and work processes in relation to measurable indicators and aims’. Finland’s Self and Peer Assessment Model (SPAM) is such an example – a unique model for quality development of local […]
Behind every EGL Project there are people – those incredible, energetic and enthusiastic humans who make things happen on the field. People who manage the activities, build relationships, share knowledge, inspire local communities, keep an eye on the social impact of their work. Who are the faces of EGL? We want to get to know […]
Today, we introduce to you Diana Pettersson Svenneke and Pepe Herrera – a coordinator and a youth worker at the KC network in Sweden. They will talk to us about using salutogenic approach (promotion of health) to youth work and why it is important to focus on health factors that makes us function optimally. They […]
Behind every EGL Project there are people – those incredible, energetic and enthusiastic humans who make things happen on the field. People who manage the activities, build relationships, share knowledge, inspire local communities, keep an eye on the social impact of their work. Who are the faces of EGL? We want to get to know […]
LET’S GET ‘Laut!’ The goal of ‘Laut!’(‘Loud’ in English) is to stimulate participation and give presence and voice to all young people in Nuremberg. It makes a point that young people are a very diverse group and in order to provide quality support and representation, a wide range of varied approaches is required. The multiple […]
Behind every EGL Project there are people – those incredible, energetic and enthusiastic humans who make things happen on the field. People who manage the activities, build relationships, share knowledge, inspire local communities, keep an eye on the social impact of their work. Who are the faces of EGL? We want to get to know […]
Europe Goes Local is currently the biggest European project formed as a strategic partnership between 24 National agencies in charge of implementation of Erasmus+ program in the area of youth work and policy. Croatia participates in this project with 11 municipalities and towns. The project is coordinated by the national delegation represented by the Agency for Mobility and EU programs and experts from the field of Youth Work.
Behind every EGL Project there are people – those incredible, energetic and enthusiastic humans who make things happen on the field. People who manage the activities, build relationships, share knowledge, inspire local communities, keep an eye on the social impact of their work. Who are the faces of EGL? We want to get to know […]